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Discover the scent of the sacred water lily of the Nile, the Blue Lotus

Both rich and subtle, sweet and flowery, the blue lotus has a captivating and unique scent. It is a rare and precious perfume, which was used in Ancient Egypt. The art of perfume is a very ancient art which dates back to more than 3000 years ago on the banks of the Nile. Delicately scented ointments, balms and oils are mentioned in several ancient treatises, for daily, cosmetic uses or for sacred rituals.

Smell is the only human sense directly linked to emotions and memory, which does not go through the mind. It is a field of experience in its own right which is therefore located at the level of the heart, of feelings.

An oily fragrance, this creation is composed of blue lotus essential oil, golden blue lotus stamens, on a base of sweet almond oil. It can be worn in summer and is not afraid of the sun.

Traditional virtues of the Blue Lotus:

  • Soothes feelings of stress and anxiety
  • Promotes relaxation and sleep
  • Awakens consciousness
  • Aphrodisiac

We are talking about traditional virtues, because few medical studies exist about the blue lotus, although they are promising.

Usage tips:

For daily use, to delicately perfume you and connect you with the blue lotus flower, apply to your wrists and behind your ears. Gently rub your handles and inhale the divine scent of blue lotus.

In sacred or healing spaces, the scent of blue lotus can be used on the subtle centers (chakra).

  • Center of the head, of the mind: Apply between the two eyebrows, at the level of the third eye. You can also apply it to the part of your hair or to your temples. The fragrance contained in the blue petals of the lotus opens gently, revealing its heart of golden stamens, it is the awakening of consciousness in thoughts.
  • Center of the heart, emotions: Apply to the center of the chest at the level of the solar plexus, and let the fragrance radiate like rays of sunlight filled with warmth and love. The heart of the blue lotus, its golden stamens radiate a scent of fullness, of sweet flowering. It is the awakening of the consciousness of feelings.
  • Center of the sacrum, belly: Apply to the sacrum, pelvis, to delicately perfume your sacred temple. Its mysterious and aphrodisiac scents will awaken the awareness of desires.

To support your use, we invite you to read the incantation “Become a lotus” from the Book of Exit to the Day of Ancient Egypt (Book of the Dead). This poem full of life will transmit to you the field of life of the blue lotus and will awaken in you the subtlety of its message.

Ingredients: sweet almond oil, blue lotus essential oil


  • Important information

    These properties, indications and methods of use are taken from reference books or websites in aromatherapy. This information is given for informational purposes, it cannot in any way constitute medical information, nor engage our liability. For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, consult a doctor.

    Contains Essential Oils: Some people may be allergic to essential oils. To avoid any allergic reactions, we recommend doing a skin test on a small area of skin beforehand and waiting 48 hours. If irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately.



Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 4 reviews
4 reviews
  • Camille MFeb 13
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

    Ce parfum, c'est de l'amour liquide. Me parfumer avec est un acte d'amour, de soin, de reconnexion à moi-même.

    J'ai plein de compliments, on me dit que je sens super bon, et que c'est une odeur atypique.

    Personnellement je la trouve à la fois atypique et très familière, comme une réminiscence de quelque chose que j'ai bien connu il y a longtemps, mais que j'aurais oublié.

    Cette odeur me ramène dans un chez-moi que je ne pensais pas avoir.

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  • Vaness RGSep 04, 2024
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Ce parfum est Divin !

    Il ne me restait que le parfum à découvrir dans la boutique ! J'en suis folle il sent tellement bon son odeur est douce et envoûtante je l'adore.

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  • CarolineAug 21, 2024
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Un parfum divin et envoutant

    J'ai acheté ce parfum et en suis vraiment ravie. Il me manque réellement lorsque je ne l'utilise pas. Il est tout simplement envoutant, suave et en même temps floral (fleurs blanches).. Il ne tourne pas sur ma peau ce qui est rarissime. Il est en application roll-on ce qui est chouette pour l'appliquer de manière précise sur la peau. Bref, je suis extrêmement ravie de mon achat.

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  • DelphineSep 24, 2024
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Un délice

    Que j'aime ce parfum qui se fond avec ma peau et m'enveloppe d'un cocon parfumé apaisant et rassurant. J'adore !

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