A mysterious manuscript, difficult to interpret
The Papyrus of Ani, also known as the “Book of the Dead,” is a precious manuscript from ancient Egypt that explores the mysteries of existence.
Academic references suggest that the "Book of the Dead" was used as a guide to the afterlife in Egyptian funerary tradition, helping the deceased navigate the world of death. The ancient Egyptians' Book of the Dead had the true title, at the time of ancient Egypt, "Book of Coming Out to Daylight." The “day” in question is that of the living , but also of any luminous principle opposing darkness, oblivion, annihilation and death. In this perspective, the deceased Egyptian seeks to travel in the boat of the sun god Ra and cross the kingdom of Osiris . These are papyrus scrolls, covered with “magical” formulas and incantations, placed near the mummy.

The second birth
In reality the “formulas for coming out” are linked to the image of the perception they had of death which differs greatly from our modern perspective: a second birth . The mystery of the "second birth" exists in many ancient traditions, and is linked to the awakening to one's true soul - not necessarily to the death of the body. Within this precious papyrus a captivating incantation entitled " Becoming a lotus " particularly attracts our attention, offering keys to understanding the sacred nature of the blue lotus and its importance in Egyptian spirituality.

A human head springing from a lotus into a pool of water.
Incantation “become a lotus”
"As if I had slept a thousand years underwater, I wake up in a new season. I am the blue lotus that rises. I am the cup of dreams and memory that opens - I, the flower with a thousand petals At dawn, the sun rises naked like a newborn; I open and am penetrated by the light, the slow awakening in the fire while the petals bloom. open one by one, while the fingers that held the secret unfold I abandon the past and release the scent of flowers.
"I open and the light descends, filling me and passing through, each blue petal reflecting perfectly in the clear water. I am this lotus filled with light reflected in the world. I float contented within myself, flower of a thousand petals, a life lived a thousand years without haste, a universe sparkling with a thousand stars, a god living among a thousand people.
"If you stood one summer morning on the shore under the brilliant sky, you would see the thousand petals and say that together they form the lotus. But if you lived in its heart, invisible from the outside, you would see perhaps how the ecstasy of its fragrant core gives birth to its thousand petals What is beautiful is always what is itself in its essence, a certainty of being. I marvel at myself and others. things of the earth."
"I float among the days in peace, content. I am not part of the world, the world is all the parts of me. I open myself towards the light and rise towards the gods in the scent of prayer. I do not ask for nothing beyond myself. I have all that I need. I am content in the company of God, a prayer that contains its own answer I am the lotus. I wake up laughing.”
French translation of "Awakening Osiris: A New Translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead" by Normandi Ellis

The Mysteries of Incantation and its symbolism:
In Egyptian culture, the blue lotus reveals its essential role in representing rebirth and purity. It is fascinating that this incantation uses the lotus as a metaphor to describe the process of spiritual transformation. She encourages everyone to meditate on their ability to emerge from the depths of existence.

The Blue Lotus, symbol of alchemical transformation
The lotus is an aquatic flower used in many traditions to symbolize awakening and enlightenment. The Egyptians saw in the daily emergence of the flower from the muddy waters a reflection of the journey of inner transformation. This spiritual alchemy guides the seeker towards a higher state of consciousness, in order to bloom like the blue lotus .

Conclusion: Through the study of the incantation "Become a lotus" from the Book of Coming into Daylight, we are guided into the depths of Egyptian spirituality. Normandi Ellis' translation of "The Book of the Dead" is magnificent and profound. We can appreciate the symbolic richness of this mystical poetry and understand how it inspires us to emerge from the murky waters of existence to reach spiritual light. For my part, each time I read the formula “Become a lotus”, an inner ecstasy emerges and I wanted to share it with you with this article.
To explore other mysteries related to the Blue Lotus, you can explore our articles on the mysteries of the Eye of Horus and the Blue Lotus God Nefertem.
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